Video 1 Grading

reporting category student score college board score comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Purpose: "entertainment", Function: User picks rock paper or scissors, and the outcome is either win, lose, or draw. Input and Output: Input is rock paper scissors, output is win lose or draw.
Data Abstraction 0 0 Shows how data is being stored but does not show how the data is being used to fulfill the program's purpose, list RPS is named, explains what the data represents (the different inputs)
Managing Complexity 0 0 Doesn't show how RPS is used to manage complexity, response explains how the code would be written differently without using RPS. CB also says that the list, "results in a program that is just as easy to develop or maintain as the one with lists."
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 Student made procedure (rpsGame), parameter (yourPlay), does not explain how the procedure contributes to overall function
Algorithm Implementation 0 1 Response includes sequencing and iteration (if else) but doesn't have selection, explains how someone else could recreate the algorithm. My grading differed from CB because I thought iteration was if-else but CB says, "includes sequencing, selection (if statement), and iteration through use of recursion to call rpsGame again to execute."
Testing 1 1 Two different calls, describes different conditions, identifies different results.

Video 2 Grading

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Video 3 Grading

reporting category student score college board score comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Purpose: Expand vocabulary, learn new words, functionality, input and output
Data Abstraction 1 1 List identified "letOfGuessWord", explains what's in the list - holds individual letters of the word the user is trying to guess, segments show data stored in a list and the second segment show how the list is being utilized.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Code shows how complexity is being managed, explains how code would be written differently without the list - it would be more inefficient and the loop would be complicated.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Procedure (guessWord) is created, parameter (guessWord), explains how the procedure contributes to overall function.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Response includes sequencing, selection, and iteration, explains how someone else could recreate the algorithm.
Testing 1 1 Two different calls, describes different conditions, identifies different results.
Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 1 The purpose of the program is to learn more about the states. The program functions by allowing the user to input a state and displaying general information about the state. However, the student does not explain what the output is. The College Board gave the point because "Both of these items are displayed on the general information screen."
Data Abstraction 0 0 The student identified the list "stateList", but does not explain what the list holds or how it is used to fulfill the program's purpose. The list only represents state names and the first code segment does not show how the list is used.
Managing Complexity 0 0 The student does not explain how complexity is managed and does not name the list or explain how it specifically helps the program. The response is too general.
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 The student does not identify the procedure or parameter, does not call the function, and does not explain how it contributes to the program's overall function.
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 The student only talks about the use of if statements and is missing iteration. The response does not include how the program would be different without the algorithm or how to recreate the program. The College Board also says that the response is missing part of the explanation for updateScreen, "The response does not state that the index value is set based on the match and what value is set for each U.S. state."
Testing 1 0 The student made different calls, one input of 1 and h, and explains the conditions being tested. The results of the different inputs are different. However, the College Board said that the student's response described two calls from the specified procedure, rather than two calls to the specified procedure. In addition, this function does not have an implicit parameter for state. The student also does not specify the result of two calls to the given procedure, instead, it describes the result that appears on the screen.
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Video 4 Grading

reporting category student score college board score comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 The purpose of the program is to stimulate the mind. The function of the program is a fishing game with scorekeeping. The student identifies the output and input of the program.
Data Abstraction 1 1 The student explains how data is stored and how the list is used for the program's purpose. The student identifies the name of the list as fishtypes and explains what is in the list (type of fish and specific number of fish caught).
Managing Complexity 1 1 The student explains how the list manages complexity by compiling fish data into one spot. They also explain how the code would be different without the list, that it would add data of fish instead of making a new variable and that the code would be longer and less efficient.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The student created the procedure "clone movement" with y1 and y2 parameters (the college board says there are five parameters). The procedure is called and the student explains how the procedure contributes to overall functionality of program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The student uses selection, sequencing, and iteration with if-else statements and loops. They provide a detailed explanation so that someone else could recreate the algorithm.
Row 6 Testing 0 0 The student does not have two different calls to the procedure. The response does not correspond to how the parameters are used in the program. The student describes the code segments rather than the result of the call.
## Important things my program should contain! - It is important to review vocabulary related to programming, specifically iteration, selection, and sequence. Additionally, it is important to explain how the program would be different without the use of lists. When testing the program, ensure that there are two different calls to the procedure, instead of just describing the results that appear on the screen.